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NXA-Phase Noise Analyser

The NXA is a fully automated Phase Noise analyzer. Its dual channel architecture allows the system to use a cross-correlation process to cancel its internal noise floor. This reliable technique provides access to the unique noise floor performance of the DCNTS.


A completely new user interface based on a large 14 inch touchscreen simplifies the operation, focusing the user on the measurement result itself and not on the measurement technique. Experts can always access advanced settings if needed.


Quick and easy phase noise plots can be obtained without any training so the NXA Series can be operated by any manufacturing technician. This is the only instrument that combines great ease of use and state of the art performance.


With its internal frequency references, measurements are made extremely easy without the hassle of connecting cables and tweaking settings. However, when ultimate performance is required, the capability to use external reference sources like crystal oscillators, SAWs or SLCOs pushes the instrument noise floor down to the thermal noise.



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